The Power of Leveraging your Client Base
I often wonder why more businesses do not strategise the leverage of their customer base. In my experience there needs to be a new thinking about this important area of potential growth.
Do you see ‘Customer Loyalty’ as an integral part of your strategic business plan and perhaps even re-think creating a customer loyalty programme and changing to becoming a loyalty company?
Without customer loyalty, any business entity would find it extremely difficult to function. You may well be focussed on positive business performance outcomes rather than customer satisfaction levels. I question whether this would maintain levels of shareholder returns or even sustainability of the business.
I don’t believe that any CEO would consider the customer as not being a key to their success. Without the voice of the client base, I don’t believe any business could become a leading best practice company.
I have always conducted bi-annual customer surveys to gain important product and service insights. What can I do to gain more knowledge of how a client views performance and what services can I improve to make their jobs easier and more quality efficient.
Customer feedback can be transformational for your business which will enable the business to leverage their insights. When it comes to gathering customer feedback, once received it must be acted on immediately. This demonstrates you are listening and will encourage the lines of communication to remain positive at all times and strengthens relationships which are crucial to future success.
Customer loyalty is all about a win/win for everyone and it’s not always about making a sale, it’s all about building trust and solid, lasting relationships.