Best Practice Sourcing

To all Pro-Active CEO’s & Purchasing Executives

I was privileged to tour a successful 50-year engineering, product research and development, manufacturing and distribution business in Victoria which currently manufactures products for the Australian and New Zealand markets. This company stands equal to any I have seen around the world and it would serve other Australian businesses well to consider viewing these amazing capabilities as part of their sourcing strategies.

I have outlined the qualities of this company which position them to be a preferred supplier of project managed engineered products and services to industry as follows:

Metal Form Group (MFG) is currently undertaking a capital expansion all of engineering and manufacturing where they anticipate creating exponential growth in employment and technological advances in product development, manufacturing, and distribution.

MFG also leads the high-performance world with ownership of Crow Cams, and along with the planned introduction of additional products and services are now poised to extend the investment in the market to underpin projected growth for after-market, recreational, sport, and OEM produced vehicles.

During the last financial year, the investment made by MFG has seen a substantial growth of market penetration which is envisaged to continue through the introduction of additional international engineering capabilities with a view of taking the business to the world.

MFG views Australia and overseas as a major partnership opportunity for the distribution of their technologically advanced and specialised capabilities for the general, automotive and performance markets. The MFG vision is to deliver world- class services across engineering/manufacturing and supply of their specialised capabilities to further enhance their reputation as a sought-after supplier of products known for their superior quality characteristics and value for money pricing.

In conjunction with the production capabilities, the research and development arm of the company has also invested in a high-performance modelling facility with international capabilities through CNC technology.

MFG commits to providing the client base under several key parameters:

  • High quality products and services, including distribution, that is complete and proven and ready for immediate us
  • Low cost, or cost-effective products understanding that industry is extremely competitive and operates on very tight margins
  • On-time delivery, given the extent of differentiation to client requirements necessitates in-sequence deliveries and all-round supplier efficiency
  • A sound warranty agreement

MFG understands that clients of the engineering industry measure supplier performance not merely by price, but also on quality, warranty, and delivery performance. Importantly, they know full well, that purchasing/sourcing decisions are based on the perceptions of value and how the company meets those perceptions.

In both the high-performance automotive components and engineering markets the company has had strong collaboration with the Government in Victoria where best practice testing and certification has been achieved which have established their capabilities for the national and international market place.

With the foreseeable growth in both the local and overseas markets, the directors of MFG are totally committed to creating employment opportunities in the development, manufacturing and distribution sectors and have already invested heavily and personally to achieve the results thus far.

The owner Peter Balassone would like to invite you to view the company websites where a greater appreciation of these world breaking advances can be viewed first hand at and

MFG would be delighted to arrange a meeting with you where a more formal overview of capabilities can be made clear relative to the growth potential for Australian industry and how MFG can be in a support supplier relationship with you.

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