Adapting to Technology

Let us all look at what technology advances can do in supporting a business no matter what the underlying product and/or processes are. I have espoused for many years now that it does not matter what business you control, whether it be a manufacturing/engineering, retail, church, small, medium or large, the products and processes may differ but the principles of management success are all the same.

We must all realise that technology has given business an unprecedented control over the environment you are controlling. But with this also comes unprecedented responsibilities and accountabilities. If utilised in the correct way as part of your continuous improvement programme, technology will greatly assist management extend their powers over the environment they control.

Technology is continually shaping the world today and at the same time is opening up a wealth of opportunities for the smart CEO to lead into the future and take on the best of the best in the world.

No business model today will be successful without embracing technology including both national and international consequences if this is not part of your strategic business plan. When considering risk mitigation in your decision making processes for growth/survival, technology needs to be front and centre of the equation.

With an ever changing local and global environment, it is only technology which offers the basis of sound corporate governance. There are new and ever changing materials, social and economic challenges, military expansions and growth in a world population to name just a few.

The correct measurement of any business environment including KPI’s and CSF’s, responsibilities and accountabilities both individually and corporately must be controlled through technology. They must also be easy to apply and accepted by all employees as part of the corporate communication policy where everyone in the business feels an integral and important part of the decision making process.

Most of the businesses I have been involved in assessing and re-aligning, have fallen well short of these principles. But when taken up again have thrived.

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